Textile Project
Below are two different projects that focused heavily on reinventing a textile. I rendered the pleated skirt's fabric textile in illustrator. Here, I played around with different shapes, colors, prints, and effects that led me to my final design. Because this fabric was so unique, I had to make sure it had zero waste. With the left over pieces, I patch-worked them into a scarf with tassels at the end. The top I paired with the skirt was my first design and sewing project that fully represented me and myself as a designer. I was so joyful and eager when putting it together, and found my designer identity of what would make an Ava. For the surface design I wanted the fabric to look like stained-glass, but also make the top messy and have some grunge to it. I picked up clumps of thread off of the ground from the place I worked at. Then I darned all the thread into the duck canvas. Using this technique, I turned the black canvas into a textured, colorful new textile. After sewing all the thread and patch-working, I added silver studs around different seam lines to highlight different areas of the body.